Monday, December 22, 2008

Brigham's Christmas Cookies

Brigham woke up before the sun was up this morning (around 5 a.m.) and decided to make chocolate chip cookies by himself while mommy and daddy were sleeping. Pictured is the scene Matt came upon when he went down to see what Briggie was up to.

For making cookies a total of 5 times between me and Nannie Brown he did pretty good at getting out all the correct ingredients. All he was missing was the butter and baking soda (salt not pictured but the entire contents were dumped into the bowl- along with flour and sugar). Briggie even tried to crack an egg in the bowl. I thought it was a nice touch that he got out a dish towel to wipe his hands on. I have to admit we were pretty impressed and a little amused at his ambition. It definitely wouldn't have been as cute if he dumped my new Costco sized bottle of vanilla into the mix- that's some pricey stuff...

After a run to the store to replenish our supplies and a little help from us and measuring cups, Chef Brigham can make Santa some Christmas Cookies tomorrow.

What a mess!

Look in the bottom left corner for Brigham's accomplice, his little ride-on car a.k.a. stepstool on wheels.


Kristin said...

LOL!! Oh my gosh! That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! I guess when you want cookies... you really want cookies!

Amber said...

You don't know me, but Kristin sent me a link to this post because she thought I could relate. I have a "curious" 2-yr-old who pulls stunts like this almost daily. You can't help but laugh! This is adorable!